Maffra Cheshire

El queso Maffra Cheshire es una delicia de la gastronomía inglesa con más de 400 años de tradición. Este queso artesanal es reconocido por su sabor fuerte y picante, lo que lo convierte en una excelente opción para los amantes de los quesos con mucho carácter. Si quieres conocer más sobre este queso, sigue leyendo y descubre todos sus secretos.

Maffra Cheshire

  • Elaborado con leche de vaca pasteurizada

  • País de origen: Australia

  • Región: Gippsland, Victoria

  • Tipo: duro, artesano

  • Textura: desmenuzable

  • Corteza: natural

  • Color: amarillo pálido

  • Sabor: suave, salado, fuerte, agrio

  • Vegetariano: si

  • Productores: Maffra Cheese Company Pty Ltd

Maffra Cheshire es un queso galardonado producido por Maffra Cheese Company en su granja lechera ubicada en el país lechero de Gippsland. Tiene un sabor suave pero ligeramente salado cuando es joven, pero que se convierte en una deliciosa nitidez con la edad. La textura desmenuzada va bien con un Ploughman’s Lunch o con tostadas de mermelada. Combínalo con un vino tinto ligero o un Chardonnay crujiente para resaltar la ligera acidez del queso. Maffra Cheshire ha ganado muchos premios, incluida la medalla de oro en Fromage Du Monde, 2004, Sydney.

Otros quesos australianos:

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Maffra Cheshire

Maffra Cheshire: a traditional British cheese with a distinct flavor

Maffra Cheshire is a cheese named after the village in Cheshire, England where it originated. This cheese is typically made from cow’s milk and has a crumbly texture and a tangy, lemony flavor. It is usually aged for several months, which gives it a sharper taste.


The production of Maffra Cheshire cheese involves several steps. First, the milk is heated and mixed with a starter culture of bacteria. Then, rennet is added to coagulate the milk and form curds. The curds are cut into small pieces and stirred to extract the whey. The curds are then compressed and molded into large blocks or cylinders, which are then aged in a cool, humid environment for several months.

Flavor and Pairing

The flavor of Maffra Cheshire cheese is often described as tangy, lemony, and slightly nutty. It has a crumbly texture and a pale yellow color. This cheese pairs well with crackers, bread, and fruits such as apples and grapes. It also goes well with light-bodied wines such as Pinot Noir or Sauvignon Blanc.

Overall, Maffra Cheshire is a delicious cheese with a unique flavor that makes it stand out from other types of cheese. Its crumbly texture and tangy taste make it a great addition to any cheese board or platter.

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