¿Eres un amante del queso y estás buscando algo nuevo y delicioso para probar? Entonces te recomendamos que pruebes el queso barbero 1833. Este queso es una verdadera joya gastronómica de España que no te puedes perder. Descubre más sobre su historia, sabor y origen en este artículo. ¡Prepárate para tentar tus papilas gustativas con este delicioso queso!
barbero 1833
Elaborado con leche de vaca pasteurizada
País de origen: Inglaterra
Región: Somerset
Familia: Cheddar
Tipo: duro, artesano
Textura: cremosa, friable y suave
Corteza: sin corteza
Color: marfil
Sabor: salado, dulce
Olor: rico
Vegetariano: si
Productores: AJ & RE Barber Ltd
Sinónimos: Barbers 1833 Cheddar , Barbers 1833 Vintage Reserve Cheddar
Barber’s 1833 Vintage Reserve Cheddar, un queso DOP (Denominación de Origen Protegida) es un queso cheddar elaborado con leche procedente de vacas Holstein Friesian. Es producido por AJ & RE Barber Ltd. en su granja lechera ubicada en la región de Somerset, Reino Unido. Este queso insignia es seleccionado de sus cheddars teniendo el mejor sabor. El queso tiene una maduración de 24 meses durante los cuales desarrolla un sabor rico e intenso, finalizando con una textura suave, cremosa y crujiente. El queso es de color marfil con notas saladas y naturalmente dulces.
Otros quesos ingleses:
Barbero 1833: Aged to Perfection
Barbero 1833 is a traditional Spanish cheese that has been carefully aged for up to 24 months to develop its rich, earthy flavor and crumbly texture.
The Cheese’s Origins
Barbero 1833 is named after the year that the Barbero family began producing cheese in the La Mancha region of Spain. This area is known for its high-quality milk and traditional cheesemaking techniques, which are still used today to create this delicious cheese.
The Aging Process
After being made from raw sheep’s milk, Barbero 1833 is left to age in a temperature and humidity-controlled environment for up to 24 months. This allows the cheese to develop its distinct flavor and texture, which is reminiscent of aged Parmesan.
Fun fact: The longer a cheese is aged, the sharper and more intense its flavor becomes.
Serving Suggestions
Barbero 1833 is a versatile cheese that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. It can be grated over pasta dishes, melted on top of burgers or sliced thin and paired with a glass of red wine. Its rich, bold flavor and crumbly texture make it a great addition to any cheese board.
Tip: Store Barbero 1833 in the refrigerator wrapped in parchment paper to preserve its flavor and texture.