
¿Eres un amante del queso y estás buscando algo nuevo e innovador para probar? ¡El queso Ridgeline es la respuesta a tus deseos! Descubre todo los que necesitas saber sobre este delicioso producto y sorprende a tu paladar con su sabor espectacular. En este artículo, te contaremos todo sobre su origen, características y formas de disfrutarlo. ¡No te lo pierdas!


  • Hecho de leche de vaca

  • País de origen: Estados Unidos

  • Región: Fairview

  • Tipo: semiduro

  • Textura: cremosa

  • Corteza: natural

  • Color: amarillo pálido

  • Sabor: caramelo, nuez, sutil

  • Aroma: suave

  • Productores: Looking Glass Creamery

Ridgeline es un queso de corteza roja original estadounidense con una capa muy fina de ceniza que pasa por el centro de la rueda. Aproximadamente a las 4 semanas, este queso de leche de vaca se frota con aceite de oliva y pimentón para impartir su sabor suave, a nuez, calidad de caramelo y un color magnífico. Las ruedas llegan al mercado solo cuando han envejecido durante al menos otro mes.

Otros quesos americanos:

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Ridgeline Cheese

Ridgeline Cheese: The Perfect Blend of Flavors

Ridgeline Cheese

Ridgeline Cheese is a handcrafted artisan cheese that is made with locally sourced ingredients. It is known for its unique blend of flavors that are carefully crafted to create a one-of-a-kind cheese.

The Making of Ridgeline Cheese

Each batch of Ridgeline Cheese is made with fresh milk from local cows. The cheese is then aged in a cave at just the right temperature and humidity to create its distinct flavor.

When you taste Ridgeline Cheese, you’ll notice the bold flavors of sharp cheddar mixed with the creaminess of brie. The cheese has a smooth texture that melts in your mouth and leaves you wanting more.

Pairing Ridgeline Cheese

Ridgeline Cheese pairs well with a variety of foods. It’s perfect for a charcuterie board and pairs nicely with crackers, fruit, and nuts. You can also melt it into your favorite recipes for an extra burst of flavor.

When you’re looking for a cheese with a unique flavor profile, look no further than Ridgeline Cheese. It’s the perfect addition to any cheese plate and is sure to impress your guests with its bold flavors and smooth texture.

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